Wednesday, December 14, 2005


Okay so it wasn't exactly as dramatic as Ka-BOOM but still, the wall (& door) separating my living room and (soon-to-be) dining room has come down! Which is an exciting pinnacle in the renovation process but also, it brings me the joyous, Christmas-y look of dry-wall dust powdering my house!!

I HATE MESS!!!!!!! I hate it, I hate it, I hate it. Number of times I dusted today? Three. And no one is even WORKING on the house today. I took the opportunity to clean up everyone's "work areas" today. I am not sure they will thank me but still, I HATE MESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I don't understand how people can live in mess all the time! Am I just a little too Mrs.Clean??? B/C my dishwasher goes at least twice a day and I don't know if my washer/dryer EVER stops if my eyes are opened and my sink is always clear of all dishes. I like my floor washed at least every second day, my vacuum is out & running everyday before coffee-time and my sheets never go any longer than a week before being changed. More like twice a week really (mites, yuck). Is this abnormal? There are people laughing at me b/c I am constantly cleaning up the dry-wall mess while the place is still being sanded. But who can LIVE in mess????

And I won't even start on the people who live with 500 cats...


Ariana said...

Yikes! I WISH I had your commitment to cleanliness. Alas, I am simply too lazy.

Oh, by the way, I HAD my own address for TWO YEARS, and I NEVER got a card from you. :P

Angela Oliver said...

I think there is something in our farm water...Between you and mom, I'm sure the dirt driveway has been swept, and the bugs in the yard all hunted down and killed. Not a bad thing really...some say here, I that I might have a "cleanliness disorder" kind of an oxymoron...but hey, if you can clean at least we're not getting sick.
I guess that's my excuse...oh and thank God you're not Barbie...we can barely fit together in pictures as it is...

Reesh said...

Happy New Year! Thanks for the Christmas letter and family photo. It looks fabulous on our new fridge!

Oh Joy said...

Happy New Year back at ya! Send pics of the new place! Is it fabulous?????

Mark said...

Hey there Moment Girl!!! When are you going to put another post up?

Oh Joy said...

Yeah, yeah. Like you should talk, how long did you have the "here I am wearing a yellow shirt" post???? Okay, fine. I have nothing amusing or exciting to say but I guess if the public wants to hear about me, they shall hear...