Monday, January 30, 2006

What else?

Here is my list of the things that went wrong this week...

1. My water distiller broke down. Which meant we had to haul water from the in-laws. Which was fine until...
2. My in-laws water distiller broke down.
3. My washing machine (which is only three years old) broke down. Apparantly they have transmissions that can blow up.
4. My computer started acting funny. Won't let me burn anything.
5. The sewer froze up. Wasn't digging a hole fun Leigh????
6. My children are sick. I've been up with #1 since 4 this morning.

I guess I should be thankful it is Monday and we are starting all over again?


Oh Joy said...

Yeah. I forgot one...

7. My puppy bit my daughters nose. Now the puppy must go.

Reesh said...

You got a puppy? I thought you guys we're all allergic to dogs?

Still here and yes it would be really cool if Jamie and I had our babies on the same day, especially if that day was today or tomorrow...

Angela Oliver said...

wow! Somehow i missed the whole puppy thing... i never new that! Leigh has informed me now.

Anyways...people - you must understand the depth of the situation...what with all the laundry, etc. That's understandable, but you NEED water for everything else too..toilet flushing, cleaning hands, washing dishes, and WATER fights - I really give you credit Glenna...Also, #8 would be power goes out!
Miss you guys loads.

Oh Joy said...

Ah yes...

8. Power goes off for 8 hours two nights in a row.
9. Dryer door broke.

The puppy was actually an outside dog for the other dog to play with. The other dog was getting on our nerves. But now it must go away. If it bites noses it can not stay.