Well we are home now!! We had a great time on our trip. Everywhere we went we were treated so well. So thanks to all who housed us, fed us and made us GO BANANAS three times. Hee-hee.
Here are the Top 5 things about the vacation...now I know my husband is gonna get home, read this and come up with better stuff. So I reserve the right to re-blog later...
1. Meeting my two sweet first-cousins-once-removed-in-law. Those are two GORGEOUS little girls let me tell you and they have parents who are doing a super job. I can't wait to see more of them as they grow up!!!!
2. Seeing my kids having SOOOOOOOOOOO much fun with Auntie and Uncle!!!
3. Food - I have met my salad match. I had the BEST mango salad on this trip made by my little sister! She outdid me, I must confess in the salad department. I need the recipe by the way. And then the calamari and the greek salad were incredible too! And the Easter dinner we got treated to...really the food on this trip was great. Well except for Low point #4.
4. Experiencing the mountains again. We are tiny.
5. My new belt.
Here are the Low 5, you know the things that rather sucked...again I reserve the right to re-blog.
1. Having to leave...for real the second time.
2. How tragically dirty my winter white pants got on the way home. It was really awful. By the way, someone tell me if it is time to put away the winter white cords and pull out the summer white pants. (Someone who is in the know about these things please, Mark, you have no idea--don't answer).
3. Lugging around the luggage for 3 children and 2 adults for 10 days. Mr. Herniated Post-surgery couldn't lift anything over 25 pounds. So the luggage was out for him.
4. The "chicken parmesan" sandwich that SOMEONE microwaved and ate from a truck stop. Even though SOMEONE's wife told him it would make him ill. It made him ill. Nasty, nasty little sandwich that one.
5. The headache-flu. Man it's a bad one.
AND, AND, AND...let me also take the time to say that although his birth is a high point on my list the last week, the fact that I wasn't there was a low point. So let me officially welcome my NEWEST cousin once removed into our world. He is a beautiful baby boy and his Mama (my cousin) is sooo proud of him. I can't wait to meet you little man!!!!!
wow!!! Bears!! That's incredible. I have never seen 5 bears at once. It's way more thrilling outside of the zoo.
Anyways, good post. We miss you guys so much already. The salad recipe will come in a new post.
How's home? How are the kids?
Glad to see we made the top of the top list!! It was really great to see you. Lily can't stop talking about what a great time she had!! Hopefully we'll see you all again sooner than later...
How is Lilian feeling???? Today Estella started with the little runny nose she had while we were at Angie's!
Well, she is feeling better but still not 100%. It's a long sad sickness the doctor called RSV, which is basically just a virus that attacks the respiratory system and is very common in babies. I figure she got it from one of the thousands of kids running around the aquarium. Hopefully Estella will be spared...
Yes, it's time to wear the white pants now. Between Easter and Labour Day is white pants....says my Mom, Shari-Bon-Bon.
Thanks gals! I shall put away the cords and dig out the jeans. Glad you are back Mrs. Mickey Ears (did you get ears???)
Yes, you are Mrs. Ears. B/C you were supposed to buy ears and then take a picture and show me what a you looked like in ears. EARS. You promised ears.
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