Saturday, July 15, 2006

Done and Done.

Well swimming lessons are done and all have passed to the next level!!!!! Whew! I am so glad to not be running into town every thirty seconds. We can be a once-a-day kind of family now and swim for the love of it!

To celebrate we deicided to load the kids into the mini-van and head to K-town (again) to see the annual Jamboree Days Car Show. Usually this means nice cars lining the street often even DRIVING around. Nope, not this year. This year I think we were there were about 7 cars. Literally. We drove all the way in to see 7 cars. Not at all a waste of time. No that made me happy. Well really the idea of walking the streets seeing cars wasn't making me happy either. But hey, I WENT and that's more town involvement than I have had in the whole four years of living here.

So to celebrate that we were home and done seeing the 7 cars we drank some slushie drink. Now anyone who knows about the slushie drink back me up here--that's a good time in a glass. Anyone wanting an introduction please come on over on a nice hot day and I'll be glad to introduce you.

Now once again another boring and not so informative blog. And just so that Ross isn't bored looking at my blog I'll throw in a little farming, here's some bins...


Ariana said...

I like bins. And slushie drinks.

I heard the parade was brutal, too.

Carlene said...

Mmmm... Random farm photo!

Oh Joy said...

Who told you about the parade? Don't tell me you still lower yourself to talking to K-town residents?!!

So you're saying the farm photo didn't really fit in? Oh and I tried so hard!

Reesh said...

Devinder claims you have changed some bins around. Is that true?

Oh Joy said...

Oh gosh I dunno. Wait I'll ask someone in the know...

K, he says no. which really, why would we move them? That'd be needless work. Guaranteed we'll never move a hopper-bottom (see that's FARM talk by me!!! HOP-PER BOT-TOM!!!!) And they are all numbered for organic purposes so I can't see moving them and wrecking our numerical sequence. But those last thoughts aren't from the one in the know.

Mark said...

I want a slushy!!!

It's a bit too cold for them here. I'd run the risk of a brain freeze.

(There's your opening Glenna. Will you take it?)

Ross O said...

Just to expand your global farming intelligence, here we call the movable ones field bins, and the fixed ones are silo's, and yes I do appreciate your special effort.

Oh Joy said...

See now when you say 'special' I feel as though you are being sarcastic. No, that can't be it. You truly believe I am special don't you? Of course you do. Do I really have to be bi-lingual in my farm-talk??? I can barely speak Canadian-farming.

And Mark, when you give me an opening like that then leave it be! When you point out the opening it makes me look like I need your help (see there's an opening for you). Oh and there's enough happy juice in the slushie to keep you warm in your oh-so-cold winters.

flibirdijibit said...

YAY! Happy Juice! Gimmee Gimmee Gimmee! Was good to get the swimming lessons all completed. Somehow the cabin feels lonely today.....

Oh Joy said...

I was JUST thinking that I was having "Cabin Fever" and needed a dose. Which seemed pathetic b/c it has only been two days. So you should come here instead!

Reesh said...

Now Devinder wants to know which which bin you put your organic beef in?

Remember, these are devinder's questions, not mine!

Ariana said...

Your mother-in-law told my mother who told me. So, no, I don't. :P Hahaha, I kid. I'm allegedly moving in with a former K-town resident within the next few months!

Oh Joy said...

Tell him bin 5.

Who ya movin' in with Little One?