Friday, August 04, 2006

What bugs you?

The oddest little things bother me. They can stick in my mind and fester there for days weeks, months--let's face it, years. Like at this pita place I went to where I ordered my greek salad pita (love that greek salad). The worker-chickie cuts the pita in her pita-pit-trained-way. But she makes an incision that is a little to large. So she picks it up and is about to throw it out when I stop her with "what are you doing???". She explains her little surgical error and says she can't use the pita now. I say I'm fine with a pita that is cut opened a little far, why waste it? "Oh no," she exclaims, with a HORRIFIED look on her face, "I can't use THAT". And throws it out. (Here's hoping she doesn't actually become a surgeon, first we don't need extra cut marks, second if she does make them, what happens to the patient in the wake of her 'error'?? Out they go.)

Now it bugged me. I mean seriously you didn't put peanut sauce on it and I am deathly allergic to nuts. You cut it a little far, that's all. We've all done it, no big deal. You should SEE what I've done to the common pita. JUST USE THE PITA. And instead of garbaging it, would it kill them to have some sort of bag there to repack the horrifyingly-over-cut pita's and give them to someone who is hungry?? I am quite sure the homeless guy outside the mall doors doesn't much care that you overcut his pita. Get it together people.

Anyway, this happend about a month ago and I am still obsessing over it. There are lists of things that irk me like this. Many I can't bloggie about b/c some of my loyal readers might get hurt feelings (Jammer, are you with me here?).

The point is that things bug me. And continue to bug me. Which some of you psychology-minded people (Carlene) might try to persuade me is hurtful psychologically, but I would urge you go get to know my family and you'll see it's in my genetic material and to change it would mean seriously altering my chromosonal make up.

Anyway, what bugs you?


Wilma said...

I think a better question would be... what doesn't?

flibirdijibit said...

yes the 'what doesn't'list may be shorter! The pita bugs me too. And that Timmy Ho's would rather throw out the day olds than give them away.....yadda yadda yadda...we's got beefs mmkay?

Ariana said...

I'm in on the "what doesn't" list... Or at least give me a context here! Because "what bugs me" in general is a list taller than you. And you are tall. You tall person, you. *huff* But if we're speaking about... what bugs me about my staff? About customers? About my mother? About Canadian Idol? About the news? About moving companies? Those I could do.

Carlene said...

Hey! You go girl. Anger is good. Especially at mindlessness or injustice. Perhaps if you had resorted to reaching over the counter and slapping the poor girl around... well, then you might need to address some things.

Oh Joy said...

Thank you to all the people supporting my obsession. It helps. Well actually it just makes me think of more things that bug me...

Ariana, what is bugging you on Canadian Idol? I stopped watching b/c it looked so low-budget and I really didn't like any of the finalists. I'm a Rock Star Supernova fan.

Oh Joy said...

Oh and Wilma, I was soooooo bugged by the cold sore story that I am obsessing over that. And the breast milk. WHY ARE PEOPLE SO DUMB??????

Denise said...

Isn't it easy to give your personal power away to a stranger behind the counter? I am here on your blog to encourage you to maintain the right and responsiblity to your personal power. To manage your power you need to build wise boundaries. Its a simple step to keeping the world at bay in your mind.
Happy thinking! :)

Ariana said...

The regional voting! The stupid voting! The voting for Ashley Coulter and Craig Sharpe! The idiotic Canadian public who watch this show and know nothing of musical talent but still vote! You should have to pass a test to vote! Haaaa. And the judges! It's like they're wearing ear plugs this year!