Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Oh fine.

Well here's an update. But remember you asked for it. And if you didn't ask for it then you are still checking back and reading about it so either way you deserve to be bored by my tales.

A couple things that have happened...
1. Thanksgiving came and went and I ate copious amounts of food at my Mom's. Most especially her lemon mirange pie, which Ross, you may remember from the wedding as being darn good lemon pie. Also hung out with my cousin/friend Ray-Ray and of course Glo-Tox, MyNiz and Co. all of which are great people.
2. Pumpkin Deliveries - If you want one of my home-grown pumpkins please visit Moose Jaw, Regina, Saskatoon, North Battleford, Unity or the K-town Redi-Mart. Now go. Buy one.
3. Japanese Experience - Not just you Dean/Dane though I am THRILLED to have found your blog. And I also have your address from the blog so I can send you odd and sundry things. Anyway, the OTHER Japanese experience was yesterday when some friendly Japanese blokes came by to check out the farm. And eat lasagna. Not made by me.

There that's it for now. I'm living a dull life right now.


Ross O said...

Your life could never be dull while eating your Mum's lemon meringe pie, I glad you remembered how much I loved it.

Oh Joy said...

Well come out here and I will personally guarantee a pie for each and EVERY single day you stay.

I actually did tell EVERYONE who took a piece of lemon pie or even LOOKED at a piece of lemon pie that you liked it. I think it may have got annoying by the third or fourth pie especially given no one but me knew you but whatever.

Wilma said...

You mean you're not personally delivering pumpkins?

Oh Joy said...

Did you want me to? Like seriously think it over. I come with three (or on K-days at school only 2) small children. So think if you really still want that... b/c you could go to the Redi-Mart.

Crystal said...

Sounds like it's all good fun around your place - not sure if your life is more exciting or mine.

Angela Oliver said...

I LIVE to read your blogs...
What's the closest pumpkin store to Vancouver?

Japanese hey? Dean-O and Audge are there...but sadly they are not drinking the tea yet...

Oh Joy said...

Those two are so unsupportive.

catherine said...

what else happening in glenna's life... well, she left out running in the terry fox run with kindergarteners... um, hosting a youth group event of rolling pumpkins down a hill... cleaning a house that looks like a mall... well, i guess you did just about cover everything there glenna...
can i come over and get in the interesting life you are leading sometime??? oh please!!! (much less dramatic than hanging out with two puking kids and watching the sky to see if the sun will ever shine again!)

Oh Joy said...

Well now let's be honest, I WALKED the Terry Fox run...

Angela Oliver said...


Angela Oliver said...

terry fox run/walk