Tuesday, November 07, 2006

The Second Party.

Well I made it through the busy week. And there seems to be another one coming. So I am thinking this is the way of it now?

Sunday was my son's fourth birthday (where did the time go???). He wanted a race car birthday so I accomodated. Here are a couple pictures of his party! The first is the kid table. This year I needed to add a whole second table to make it big enough!

The second is the checkered flag I made my own little self (with garbage bags and dollar store table clothes) and put up on the ceiling. I think it turned out pretty darn cute if I may say so myself. The odds that good that next year he'll have to pick a dirtbike birthday and the year after a Nascar birthday and so on with any sport that has a checkered flag. And when we run out he'll have a "Chess" or "Checkers" birthday.


Carlene said...

Love the flag!

Carlene said...

But it looks like a lot of trouble, shouldn't you have just bought one?

Leigh Oliver said...

That party looked like a lot of fun. Wish I could have been there!

Oh Joy said...

Ohhhh, that's good Carlene. Score one for you!

Crystal said...

That flag seems a little crafty - hmmm maybe it is in you somewhere - just need to channel it in the right direction.

We've got a birthday coming up in like 5 months and he wants diggers - any ideas on how to turn a house into a giant backhoe? You do seem to be the party queen.

Oh Joy said...

I wouldn't turn it into one--I don't think I COULD. I would just place a few here and there (you gotta have a few around the place). Then make some contruction signs and put them on wrapping paper rolls and put them around the house.

The cake would be easy. Just put mountains of oreo crumbs on a slab with a small toy digger beside it.

catherine said...

best party decorations i have ever seen - jacob is a lucky, lucky boy!!! and enough with my whole decorating cakes the ol' fashioned way until your hand falls off... you have great ideas and really should have a tv show

i also love the idea of having a picture on the wall of every birthday year - that one i am stealing!!! (actually, i'm stealing the flag as well)

Oh Joy said...

Oh honey just borrow the flag. WHY would we make two???? Or be 'smart' and buy one.

Ariana said...

Crystal, Glenna is a genius! Turn your whole house into a construction site! It can't be that hard. Plus it'd be such easy clean-up!

catherine said...

no blog for awhile there...
here's some suggestions for topics..
pictures of new computer...
updates on your weekly schedule, then i don't need to worry about you not calling...
your christmas wish list...
that's all i got

Mark said...

Time to Update Moment Girl

Crystal said...

Now now Glenna & Ariana have you not met my husband. do you think he would go for turning my house into a construction site?