Tuesday, April 24, 2007

From the land of Oz!

We have the GREATEST company at the farm right now! It's been so much fun having (some of ) the Oliver Family here. Of course no one has tried to knock themselves out on open windows just to out-do me...yet. But there was a race between me and Carlene to see who could get stuff on the table faster. Well I guess it was a one-sided race in all reality. But still I won!

Anyway...it's so great to have them here! My children are in LOVE with the blonde one pictured above. And so far I have managed to make her cry, twice. So that's pretty good.


Reesh said...

Cool! They really are speedy travelers, I think they were just in West Milford visiting Dev's parents. Have fun and say hello from moi!

Oh Joy said...

Yes indeed they were just there. And now here. And pretty soon there (-ish anyway).

Ariana said...


Glenna, what did you do to Sarah?

Oh Joy said...

Oh really she's an easy target. All ya gotta do is point out how long she has to STAY in Canada...& she's bawlin' away. I'm pretty sure it's b/c she's missing her dad and brothers...

Ross O said...

Thankyou, but I think you left out a name on purpose you bad woman.

catherine said...

what's up with all these self-portrait pictures glenna??? it's like you are obsessed with taking pictures of yourself... you should really see someone about that...