Thursday, June 29, 2006

The True North Strong and Free.

Happy Canada Day to my Canadian readers! Which, apart from the Auzzie's (whom we are luring here one at a time) is pretty much everyone I think...

What do you like about living in Canada? Well I am pretty darn happy that we have food to eat and affordable housing to live in. I am pretty darn glad that we aren't under the oppression of Dictatorship. I love the diversity of Canada and how everyone (in theory anyway) is accepted and acceptable. I like the education system for the mostpart. I like the healthcare, also for the mostpart.

And on a slightly lighter note, we have Timmy Ho's....ahhh, do I love that coffee!!!!! Now if only I could convince them that we in Saskatchewan want some coffee sleeves.

Also, you'll all be happy to know they changed the Springwater sign--which means my blood pressure is down and I am sleeping peacefully at night. It now reads:

How many kidneys do you have?
4. One left, one right and two kid-knees.

Not funny really but at least it makes sense. It bugs me when that sign doesn't make sense. I know I should listen to the sound advice of Carlene and not worry about it but I just can't. It irritates me. If you are gonna make a riddle-board at least have it make some bloody sense. Is that asking so much????

Now I need coffee. Wish someone was around to drink it with me. If you are drinking coffee while reading this let me know. It's kinda the same. Okay, I just went and got the coffee while the picture was loading (dial up, sucks). I just made the BEST cup of coffee.

The Long-Awaited, Highly Anticipated FARMER POST!

Okay Ross, you asked for it!! I am going to try really hard to sound all farmer-like and blog you some Saskatchewan farmer info (and yes, Angie, I hear you giggling!). Here we go with all the things new at the farm...
Number One--we bought new cows. They are black baldies--does anyone need a definition? Because I actually know what that means. Here they are...

And this is how close they are to my house, see my house? See where the cows are? That's close, (again Angie I hear the giggles).

Number Two--we bought a forklift at an auction. It has a cab and no rust--which I hear is real find when getting a forklift at an auction. Here it is in action, stacking bags of lentils (I think lentils, but it could be Japanese barley).

Number Three--here is the truck coming to pick up the load of lentils. I think they are headed to Germany. Please note the forklift in action. (Soon I will also post a picture of the container truck coming to pick up the Japanese Barley, it just has to actually GET HERE, I think it was booked for Tuesday the 27th)

Number Four--Just in case people don't think Saskatchewan is beautiful, here is our backyard...

How was that Ross? Okay, not really informative. I am not really that into farming that's all, sorry. I tried, that was me trying pretty hard, I even threw in pictures--OF COWS. Angie, back me up, that was a good try for me wasn't it???? Jammer, weren't you impressed? I threw in the words "black baldies" and I knew what it MEANT?!!!!! Without your support I am going to be back to bra shopping stories (please note the pun...bra/support...kinda funny? No? Sorry Ross). I'll keep trying.

Friday, June 16, 2006

Riddle me this, Batman!

Okay, needin' a little help with the ole Springwater sign is today's posted joke...I do not get it AT ALL!!! (As an aside, according to the 2001 census, Springwater had a population of 20 people. Also, in 1931 it was hit by a very large meteorite. But I digress and back to the riddle...)

Why did the river go on a diet?
It gained a few pounds.

Now stay tuned Ross, I have a totally farm-related posting coming your way. Just gotta go out and take a picture to put with it! See I go that extra mile to keep my readers loyal. I don't, let's say, put a post up and leave it for like 6 months while people check and re-check and re-check to see if a new moment has been created...some people do that you know. Not me. I listen to my readers and I blog accordingly. So check back on the morrow (or the next day) and I will have a Saskatchewan-farm-centred posting just for you!!!!! Really don't leave me, it's not always bra-shopping stories around here...or at least it doesn't hafta be!

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Oh Happy Day!

Had myself yet another birthday yesterday. Celebrated by becoming a Dixie Chick. We even had a band motto...but somehow today it doesn't seem as appropriate as it was yesterday...

Friday, June 02, 2006

Bad Mood

I think bad moods are going around. First Glo-Tox, then KittyCat, I am sure my Jammer's mood is also foul over there at Debbie Downer Daycare. (Incidentally, those are some keep-the-names-confidential-in-cyber-space-names, not my friends REAL names, rather makes them sound like I made them up, no? ), now me. I am in a crappin' bad mood. My house--which is a disaster that I can't keep up with--isn't done (someone please come and finish my house), my bank account is empty (someone please come and fill up my bank account), and, and AND--these can NOT be MY HANDS!!!!!! These are the hands of an middle-aged person, THESE ARE NOT MY HANDS!!!!! This is a small obsession I take up at this time of the year with my darn birthday right around the next corner.

And to top it all off I have to go and register my baby for SCHOOL today. And she is HAPPY about it (traitor that she is). She could hardly SLEEP she was so excited. And my SON wants to go to a girls house while I register her.

So basically, if you are in a good mood, please don't respond. Or fake annoyance and have a small temper tantrum.

Couldn't even find a picture to add to this entry. So we'll leave it plain. So that the bad mood sticks out. So that you all understand I am in a bad mood.

And no one sing that freakin' birthday song to me either.