Sunday, June 04, 2006

Oh Happy Day!

Had myself yet another birthday yesterday. Celebrated by becoming a Dixie Chick. We even had a band motto...but somehow today it doesn't seem as appropriate as it was yesterday...


Reesh said...

I know you don't like birthdays, but Happy Birthday anyways, you look pretty hot for an old momma!

flibirdijibit said...

the middle one is really hot! no wonder no one thinks she's cute! cuz she's so HOT!

Oh Joy said...

Yeah, I think it was the little one that came up with the (sick) band motto. She's a little of course, but freakish...

J said...

Personally, I'm glad that you have lived this long...I mean if you hadn't we wouldn't have become maybe turning...what was that number again...isn't so bad!

Mark said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Moment Girl!!!!!!

I don't understand how you could not like birthdays. It's the perfect opportunity to.....wait for it.....'Take your Moment".

Anyway, I hope that you had a great day.

Love Mark

Oh Joy said...

OH my gosh Mark LIVES???????????!!!!!!!!!!

And why are you giving me advice on taking a moment??? have you checked your blog lately???? That was one long moment!!!

But you know that I did, I took one very long, very me-centred birthday moment.

Glad you're back!

Mark said...

Good to Be back and taking my moments Glenna.