Wednesday, July 26, 2006


Lookie see the bin that my hubby won today!!!!! He also won a shirt,a hat and a travel mug but somehow they pale a wee bit in comparison.


Leigh Oliver said...

That's one big prize!!!

Reesh said...

Wow!! A bin!! Congrats!! You won, a bin!!

Oh Joy said...

I know! And it's a really good one!

flibirdijibit said...

yee haw, that's some good bin win! let's gather 'neath it and have some celebratory slushie!

Carlene said...

And yet another farm photo!
You should be shaming Ross into not placing anymore animal photos up .... But don't hold your breath!

Mark said...

Nice win. Looks good

Ross O said...

Now I dont mean to whine, yes its a farm photo but what about some more detail, was he gambling, does he need counsel, you are family after all, or did he win it for his great crops or fat cows or did he answer some really techo farming quiz. Ex farmers never die, they just wanna know stuff.

Oh Joy said...

Okay, herez how she goes...

Kindersley has this annual "Win the Bin" contest. You go there with your Wheatpool permit book (please don't make me try to explain what that is...) and you enter. Then later they start drawing names and if you get called you go onstage. You HAVE to be there to be eligible so sometimes it takes awhile to get ten guys onstage b/c people leave and don't come back. Once they get the 10 guys they start to pull names out of a hat to eliminate contestants. The last guy standing (my hubby) wins the bin!!

As an aside, when David's name got called he was JUST parking the van and he only has like 60 seconds to make it to the stage. He just happened to hear his name as he was opening his door and he had to run like the dickens to get to the stage b/f his time ran out!

So my friend Ross, THAT is how he won the bin! And it was quite a win!! Well you probably know ball-park what they are worth! ? We are really happy about the whole thing!

Wilma said...

I heard the exciting win on the radio, and also listened with interest to Dave's interview with the amazing {and I use the term loosely} Rod Parker.
I was surprised to hear your farm was west of Kerrobert.

Oh Joy said...

Here Here my friend Wilma!! I am laughing so hard right now I am almost peeing. West...see what winning big does to one's head??? Can you imagine if he won the lottery???

Ross O said...

Exellent report, thankyou and again, congratulations