Tuesday, July 11, 2006

I Gotz Nuthun'

Okay, so sue me, I let the Canada Day Blog sit there for a few days. Seriously, calm down. Here's a new one. But I got nothing to write about. Here's my life right now...

Get Up. Get dressed. Do hair & make-up (and yes, those are necessary even given the place I am headed too mkay? We Dixie Chicks have a reputation to uphold). Get kids fed, sunscreened and ready. Go to pool & have lessons. Have lunch either at home or at Jammers. Take short rest. Get back in van. Go back to pool. Come home. Have supper. Then either crash or go to the pool again.

That's not exactly exciting now is it? Given my little mundane routine can you not see why I haven't thrown a new blog on the bar-bee lately??? I mean you people read these things ready for some sort of adventure. Some sort of funnery. You want action. And when I gotz nuthin' I feel low.


catherine said...

such a shame that you think that is boring... i would die for that kind of life right now!!!
also, do take my blog off your favorites, i gave up a long time ago, never to return again.

keep coming with the farmer blogs, glenna... my favorite!!! i'm not even being sarcastic, i do love seeing that.


Oh Joy said...

I will NOT take it off my favorites. You will start to blog again...I'll lure you into that too!!!!!!

Ariana said...

The whole point of blogging is to blog even when nothing exciting happens. It's all about consistency... or something. We just like to know you're alive, okay?

Oh Joy said...

But really, if I weren't alive would you not have heard about it?

flibirdijibit said...

we could start a whole blog about 'little esmond and helen' and their many adventures, seems everyday they get monkeying into something don't they? nothin' mundane 'bout them! nope! thanks again for auntying today. we love it and you.

Oh Joy said...

They really should have a blog dedicated just to their fine art of monkey-doing shouldn't they? Silly little ones. I guess we can add boxes of wipes to their list of things not to touch. Did we ever figure out how they were managing to cultivate today?

We love you too. See you in the mornin'.

Reesh said...

We will always take pictures of your kids at the pool.