Saturday, August 12, 2006

Ode to Angie

I just got off the tele with my little sister (in law) and now I am so excited to see her next weekend!!! Everyone should be so lucky as to love their sister (in law) as much as I do!!!!


Carlene said...

But we do love your sister in law....
Oh you mean my sister in laws? Well they are OK too, but I do love yours heaps!

Wilma said...

I love my sisters-in law... all 11 of them.

flibirdijibit said...

oh you know i love my sister in law....yep sure do! Love her sisser too! and I also love her sisser-in law! lotsa love goin' round.

Angela Oliver said...

hey everyone - THIS IS about Glenna's SISTER -IN -LAW!!!
Stop taking my moment...

ahem - sorry about that outburst.
I feel very blessed by my sister-n-laws - I especially enjoyed the convo - and can't wait to see you soon...
The saga of the terrible.
I'm sorry

Mark said...

I love my Sister in Law too. Hey, it's the same person. Wow

Miss her heaps too

Oh Joy said...

Mark did said sister in law asked if she could use the phrase "stealing my moment"? B/C she sure did not ask me and I think we have a registered trademark on that don't we? We could sue her.

Mark said...

I think we need to look into it Glenna. How much do you think we could get out of her?

Oh Joy said...

She's worth quite a bit, quite a bit.

Mark said...

In that case lets take her for all she's worth.

Oh Joy said...

Yes let's. I'm in. We'll show her whose moment it is!!!

Mark said...

Oh, I like it.
But lets not tell her, we want to catch her when she least expects it. OK?

Oh Joy said...

Okay! Like an ambush. I like it lots...