Thursday, August 31, 2006

So I had a day.

Yes here's my day yesterday...

Bad things that happened
- up from 11 until 4 a.m. with nervous, puking daughter
- up for the morning at 7 a.m., realizing this is now to be a ritual
- almost get in an accident because MY VAN BRAKES AREN'T WORKING!!!!!!
- terrible headache from bawling (please re-read the kindergarten thing a few times b/c it rather overtook my day)

Good things that happened to me
- had coffee with Jammer, Glo-Tox and one tag-along who we'll call Hide-Stretcher or maybe Paper-Maker
- Jammer's infant child crawled towards me and although SHE missed it, I got to see it

You can decide if good or bad prevailed in my head (read that Kindergarten thing again).

Jammer, see you tomorrow for coffee and we can weigh in on your good days/bad days.


catherine said...

coffee with hide-stretcher sounds wonderful... that basically trumps the rest of the saying bye to little girl and near death in no brakes vehicle!!!!

well, you have inspired me to blog, so blog i will glenna, blog i will!!!! (maybe)

Reesh said...

My oh my - Kindergarten already!! Sorry to hear about your bad day Glenna. Evee did look super cool in her first day of school outfit though (from the e-mail). Anyways, I am not looking forward to Lily's fist day of school and I have 4 years til that day comes!!

Oh Joy said...

Yeah let me tell you that 4 years comes real fast. I remember thinking that it was light years away. And now where is she? School.

flibirdijibit said...

Ya know, the only thing that could have made that day worse is if you had also lost all your income and cut your foot open on some broken glass.....hmmm. Wonder if things like that happen to anyone we know all in the same day? Nah! That would be just way to unbelievable!

Oh Joy said...

No. Those sorts of things don't happen. That sounds like a bad after school special.

Crystal said...

I'm sorry you are having to send your girl off to school and deal with everything else too. I have one word for you "HOMESCHOOLING".

Oh Joy said...

Um, no. Not my bag.

Angela Oliver said...

uh - would you update your BLOG already...gosh!
miss you so much - especially hearing of parties happening that don't involve me...