Friday, September 22, 2006

Pumpkin in Pants.

In a moment of extreme boredom (or maybe it's just pure oddness?), I decided to see what the pumpkin butt looked like in my grey cords...

Not so bad, not so bad.


Anonymous said...

pure oddness indeed...

Oh Joy said...


Crystal said...


flibirdijibit said...

Who needs the Brazilian Lift when you've got pumpkins?!!

Carlene said...

As long as the pumpkin doesn'y look better in those jeans than you do???? Better give us a photo of you too so we can compare! I mean... the pumpkin does look pretty good!

Mark said...

The pumkin almost fits too well into those Glenna.

Oh Joy said...

Yes. All the comments are true. And I am not comparing with the pumpkin for I fear I would loose. And if we are honest about it the pumpkin could NOT get the zipper done up. And those pants are WAY to big for me.

Ross O said...

Must have been a very veeerrrryyy slow day in Canada.

Carlene said...

Come on pumkin pants - wots been happenin?????

Mark said...

Update Pumkin Bum!!!!

Oh Joy said...

I'm sitting back and letting other people have their moments...

Mark said...

Or your just lazy!!!

Oh Joy said...

Oh the trash talk. Pure slaunder I tellz ya.

Carlene said...

Just in case you have forgotten how...
Go in to Dashboard and click on create a post... then upload images and put in some writing..... funny, serious, disturbing, or gobblygook! Just something to look at apart from pumkin pants!