Tuesday, October 31, 2006

A busy week ahead.

EEk. The week looks so busy this week.

Monday - Pumpkin carving in the Kindergarten classroom. Seems that if you donate the pumpkin you also come and CARVE the pumpkin. Then run home, pick up the other two kids and back into two for Glo-Tox's birthday feast a la Jammer.

Tuesday - HAPPY HALLOWEEN! Quite frankly, I'm just not that into Halloween. However, with three small kids it seems as though you simply MUST go back into town and collect candy from strangers (okay, not exactly STRANGERS but you get the general point).

Wednesday - HAPPY BIRTHDAY! My baby turns TWO!!! So we'll start the day by dropping the Kindergarten girl at school, then coffee-ing at Jammers, then head home to decorate for a party!!!!!! Mental note: gotta make lasangna at some point before this. Oh, and a cake.

Thursday - Clean up b'daying and then back into town for the first SKATING lesson. This is now to be a twice weekly trek to K-town for skating.

Friday - Again, to Kindergarten, then coffee. Then home to make some sort of snack and wait for my FOUR kids to come home on the bus. We get to have Glo-Tox's kiddies here!!!! WHOOPPEE. Mental note, call the bus driver to see if he can fit another three kiddies on the bus.

Saturday - Day of rest? Surely not. Clean, yes, CLEAN because...

Sunday - my one and only beautiful, bestest-ever son turns FOUR!!!!!! So we'll be having another party, another cake, & more decorations!!!

So basically it's a busy week and I need to clean out the soccer-mom van and get prepared for drive-drive-driving!!!


catherine said...

we really need to compare notes - i say every sunday we bring our to-do list for the week and compare... good times...

also, this looks like a good job application to be a CEO or some big shot in business... mom's do know how to multi-task... they do

and you can't and musn't cut out coffee - that is the only sanity during the week

Ross O said...

Take some advice from an old guy, enjoy the running the kids around, time flies, it will not be long and they will be driving you around.

Oh Joy said...

Let's remember they are farm kids, they drive me around NOW!

Anonymous said...

Wow, sounds crazy!! Happy birthday Ella and Jacob!!!

Oh Joy said...

Oh Reesh, you'll be doing it too before you know it!