Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Years!!

HAPPY 2007!!!! How was everyone's time last night? We had a pretty okay night here at the plantation, I think. Here are some highlights (lowlights?)

First we have me and my sister enjoying our coffee. Isn't my mug GREAT?

Next it is me and my hubby in a rare photo-op.

This is 2 of my bro-in-laws enjoying a little dill-pickle-hot-sauce-dip that they created all by their little selves (well sorta, the dill pickle part was there, the rest they added themselves. So really they added only one ingredient. But proud of it they were.) Anyway, sorry for ridding the world of that little concoction early, I didn't realize that hot wings were meant to be served with just that dip.

And finally me and my girls, who I adore more than anything and who I am so grateful to have in my little ole life. In our defense this was taken at the END of the evening when we were headed for beddie-bye and just had to get one more shot in there. We looked WAY hotter at the start of the evening.


Anonymous said...

You still look pretty hot!! Happy New Years to you all!

Anonymous said...

Mmm... half-eaten chicken wings...

Oh Joy said...

Oh yeah I forgot about the wing in the pictures. Good. Glad it made it the cut. Good times.

Angela Oliver said...

yes good times had by all.

There's always fun on the Ambros farm.

And copious amounts of food.


Anonymous said...

For bugger's sakes! This is the 3rd time I have tried to make a comment on this post! All I wanted to say is thanks for not putting up pix of the more unglamorous moments of the evening such as The Garbage Incident and Wrestlemania '06!

This better work this time!

Anonymous said...

Good. It finally worked!

Oh Joy said...

Well if the demand for Garbage Incident &/or Wrestlemania is high can I really deny my public???

Glad it worked.

Anonymous said...

How rare, an image of Leigh eating, Go Son. Ang looks real loved squashed in the middle of that shot.

Oh Joy said...

And Angie is loving every second of her love-squash too.

catherine said...

wow, and to think of all the children somewhere in the house as well... were they fed??? did they invent any dips themselves??? wish i could show you pic's of my new years eve, but sadly i did not take any...

Oh Joy said...

OF COURSE they were fed...I mean Glo-tox did bring her eldest along to care for them. OBVIOUSLY she is gonna feed them. Sheesh. What do you think we are? Are you sure yours were fed?

catherine said...

i was just noticing and correct me if i'm wrong, but did you wear three different tops all in the same evening??? is that a normal amount of wardrobe changes for a 'party' evening??? i guess i wore three on new years eve... one for the wedding, one for relaxing the hotel room and pjs for sleeping... so, four for you then, or what style of pj's do you usually wear???

Oh Joy said...

I was WONDERING if anyone was going to notice. Counting PJ's I was actually in 5 (I think, is that right girls?) different outfits. I'd like to come up with a better reason to be changing so often but in all honesty I just kept spilling on myself (well actually Leigh spilled on me the first time ). And just for anyone who was concerned (Leigh), all spills came out just fine, no need for Jammer's stain removal advice.