Thursday, March 08, 2007

Mmmm. Lovin' it.

I very easily give in to the 'whim' items in the grocery store. You know, the ones on the ends of the aisles that you stroll by. Well I usually grab one of those. Last shopping trip it was these. And now I am so into them I can hardly WAIT until my next break when I get another one. I have to really make myself ration them one a day.

Anyway, it's a busy week. I am a full time working girl right now. I feel like work is interfering with my coffee dates. Makes me bitter against work.


flibirdijibit said...

Yes. Tomorrow you may bring me one as well. Must have it.

Is it just me or are those word verification things turning into paragraphs?

Wilma said...

I am also bitter against work. It cuts into my 'Rockford Files' & couch napping.

Oh Joy said...

Oh dear. I would bring you one but they are gone. Over coffee I was gushing about them so the hubby tried one (he won't admit it but inside he was delighted by it's sweet and salty goodness). Then last night I gave into my temptation and ate the last one. Which means none for any of us today.

flibirdijibit said...

This is my sad heart, mourning the sweet, salty goodness. Guess I will just have to get my own huh?

Angela Oliver said...

mmmm!!! Those look tasty!

Almost makes me wish to join you on lunch hour and enjoy the yum.

Should I add it to the YWAM teams' grocery list?

Your busy days are really cutting into my coveted emails from you!

catherine said...

i had seen this sweet and salty goodness adverstised and i actually had it on my shopping list... craziness...

also, so glad to here that someone else in the world watches Rockford Files... i love it... along with other great shows that i love to watch with my dad... Andy Griffith, Matlock, Murder She Wrote, Macgyver, that detective show with the 'frumpy' guy in the trench coat, Night Rider, and Beverly Hillbillies.

Wilma said...

frumpy guy - Columbo. Love it!

catherine said...

yes columbo... glenna, why don't you blog about these timeless shows??? very interesting...

Anonymous said...

glad you like the sweet and salty peanuty chocolate treats.
myself, well, I take my chocolate straight up, thank you very much.

and yeah, i'm bitter against work too. having 2 full time jobs sucks. anyhow, we're rich now, so that's what counts, doesn't it?!?!?!

Anonymous said...

just kidding. we're not rich.

Anonymous said...

um..i feel kind of embarrassed, but WHERE ARE YOU WORKING? AND WHY? Problems in the ole pumpkin patch? Why is he sending you out in the work force like a common...worker??! You're better than that.

Crystal said...

We also seem to be in the dark ages and didn't know you were working. How's it going with that? And could there be some possibility of sharing some of those snacks when we are there? They do look yummy.

Oh Joy said...

I substitute teach. Everyone knows that. Been doing it since I moved here. Lately just doing it a whole lot more.