Friday, February 23, 2007

Thank Goodness!

Number of hours the power was out in my community: 35

Number of hours I spent without power: 2 and a half. WHY?

Because we have a generator. We turned that sucker on and life could resume!!! I did laundry, watched TV, had hot coffee, made supper...all my regular scheduled appointments. Didn't have to cancel one. Thank GOODNESS for my generator. Also that fireplace was pretty darn handy because while other people were struggling for warmth I was opening the window a crack because it was up to 26 in the house.

I even heard one sad, sad story where a girl had to feed her kids nutrigrain bars for supper and then huddle with 100 tea light candles for warmth. Nope, not here. 26 degrees. And we had pizza.

Ahhh, generators and fireplaces.


flibirdijibit said...

Ahh. I have been training my body to live without heat for this entire winter and this was my chance to put that training to practise! It got to 13 degrees in our house!!! That's still tank top weather....

Carlene said...

So good to see the pioneer spirit is still alive and well on the praries! Of course I mean the Nutrigrain and tea lights! Not the generator and pizza.

Oh Joy said...

I think my friend Nutrigrain Bar would have gladly given up her pioneer spirit for a slice of pizza and some TV!!! Cat, why don't you pipe and let me know. I don't think I got the FULL spectrum of how happy you were for me being nice and warm with hot coffee and Oprah...

catherine said...

i don't know there glenzera... the pioneer did have a point... i mean, why do you think they all had like 20 kids... cuz they were sooooo bored in the evening and were under the influence of candlelight.... that's why.. you need to experience the pioneer life i tellls ya....

i hate the generator stories by the way...

Crystal said...

Spoiled rotten you are. At least you weren't stuck in an elevator!

Oh Joy said...

Are you telling me that I should expect you to have another 18 kids in 9 months Cat?

catherine said...

i'm telling you to just enjoy your 'machine' generator of warmth and i'll enjoy my 'male' generator of warmth....

that being said, we can all go puke now...

flibirdijibit said...

It's like you've been out of your house all week or you've been out working or something. Like you got a job or something....I just can't place my finger on it....

Anonymous said...

You go girl! Why does it not surprise me that you were uber prepared so as not to miss oprah, dr.phil, and hot coffee?
If it had happened to me,I woulda defintely fed my kids gummi bears for dinner by the light of a hundred tealights, all the while telling stories huddled under blankets like the irish mom in the final moments of "Titanic." Yep. that woulda been me.