Readers, start with the "Success" blog and then move to this later or the odd picture doesn't make any sense.
Well probably it won't make much sense anyway. And I think my readers are dwindling down quite a bit. In fact it could be that the only person that reads &/or comments is pretty much IN this picture. But still, here's the picture. And I didn't try to cut Cat off, she took the picture. Which, since I am in the centre of it and not chopped off, may just prove the extend of her love for me...
YOU DIDN'T... UNBELIEVABLE!!! it looks like i'm desperately holding a dip in my lip or something....
and my eyes... darting off in different directions... i was really looking like that should have been the end not the start of the evening...
thanks for this - i hope your readers are dwindling....
No, her readers are not dwindling, I check this blog site at least twice a week, despite the fact that you blog like one time each month, I will check the dates to see if I am being unkind,so, blog away girl, your famous around the world, well in Oz anyway.
Love those self portraits! haven't had my morning coffee yet so that's about the extent of my ability to comment at this time....
Heeheehee. Yes, I DID!!! I DID! Come on now, it's not like I am looking so fabulous in it either! And that nasty comment on my readers...not nice. Did you not READ??? I'm FAMOUS in the land of Oz. FAMOUS!
Hi Oz!!!
Jammer, go get coffee.
Still here, still reading. I have your blog on one of my RSS feed readers so whenever you update it let's me know. So it's safe to say I will be reading everytime you post.
P.S. We are really looking forward to coming to the farm for Jason's reception!!
Reesh we are so looking forward to seeing you too!! And of course we can't wait to see Lily and play with her! Not much longer really...
I love the fact that when you (Moment Girl), finally get around to posting you go around telling other to get their act into gear. Nice one, lol.
Oh yes, I see. I think I'll take that as a compliment Moment Boy. Like you really are standing in awe of me.
I'm here too!
We're not going anywhere, Joyful One.
you always look great.
and i really really really
wish that i could have been there for the ladies night out
i think it would have been awesome
I agree with Ross O. I check this blog almost daily. **wonders if she checks mine?
LOVE reading about you since I never get to see you. :(
THanks for keeping us all posted.
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