Saturday, November 26, 2005


Well this is my big accomplishment this week. I hummed-and-ba-humbugged thinking I wouldn't even put up the tree with the dry-walling that will ensue in the next few weeks. And who wants to clean that mess up? And then the tree will have to be MOVED down to the new living room...BA HUMBUG!! But eventually I caved and set up the tree!

I am going to have to buy another tree at the end of the season since I will have a school-girl by next year--which means school-made decorations. And in my home, the tree is ALL about Mommy. NOTHING goes on that tree without running by me first. I did let them put on some Christmas balls this year. I moved them later to the right place...but still...ahhh what a great memory for them to take forth into the future.

But seriously, isn't Christmas GREAT???? It's my very FAVORITEST holiday!!! Especially with my little people!!! And I love all the snackie foods and all the drinks and the MUSIC. I just LOVE Christmas.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Whew! They changed it!

Well they changed the stupid riddle in Springwater (pop. 8). So the new riddle goes like this...

"What is brown and sticky?".

And this time it has nothing to do with bodily movements!! Anyone, anyone? The answer is actually ON the sign but does anyone wanna take a stab at it??? (And don't Google it and ruin the answer!).

Friday, November 11, 2005

My Own Top Ten

So in response to my dear, sweet little sister's blog here are my own top ten reasons to love where I live...

1. Tim Horton's -- it's not THAT far away!
2. The site of my kids & their cousins (real and surrogate) playing together
3. My next door neighbors
4. The water tower
5. Freedom for my kids to roam around their yard without creeps watching them
6. Subbing with my sister
7. Coffee dates with my girlz
8. My new house
9. Knowing that all roads for my wayward brothers and sister (-in-law) will return home
10. Pumpkin catapolting in the coulee

Monday, November 07, 2005

Irrational Fears...

So this is to make my little sister look more sane for being irrationally fear of walking through ditches (they DO have snakes you know)!

My irrational fears:

- dolls (notice how they STARE at you???? Just stare with those dead looking eyes.)
- kites (yeah, not sure about that one either. Just freak me out. I get so tense when I see one.)
- clowns (then once at the annual Saskatoon followed my cousin Jody and I around for two hours. I was BAWLING by the time it left--oh and I was 19. But the damned clown just kept following, silently. Then it would tap me on the shoulder, then pretend to hide behind one of the other carnies...which reminds me...)
- carnies (WHERE do they FIND those people???? Do they TRAIN them to be so creepy???
- birds, any type anywhere (has anyone SEEN Hitchcock's movie??? I was frightened enough before but then I saw that movie and it confirmed all my fears, they will fly at you and peck at your eyes. THEY WILL!!!!

I was going to download a picture of a kite, or a bird or a doll but just can't bring myself to google for one!

Makes walking through ditches to avoid snakes look pretty normal doesn't it?

Anyone else have odd, irrational fears?

Friday, November 04, 2005

Anyone, Anyone?

Okay, so there is a town called Springwater not far from us (well really calling it a town is being a little generous, it is more like 5 houses with bad paint jobs. But I digress...). So, Springwater's only claim to fame is it's sign. They have this sign on the highway side of 'town' that constantly changes. Usually it has some sort of pathetically witty, family-friendly riddle. Like last week when it said "Where does a hamburger go to dance? The meat ball." Not exactly funny I suppose but still it makes slowing down to 60 KM (you ARE supposed to slow for some unknown reason, maybe one of the 6 residents is out walking their dog? Not sure. But again, I digress...) a little more enjoyable.

Now call me dense (just leave that one alone MomentBoy) but this week for the LIFE of me I do NOT get the sign. If ANYONE, ANYONE can get it then PLEASE let me in...

This is what it says...

"What made the lobster blush? The sea weed."

Thursday, November 03, 2005

The Boring Life of Kiki

I am trying SO hard to think of creative and fun things to say. Something to keep the readers interested, you know? But since the last, really exciting post I have done the following:

- cleaned the house about a million times (which includes garbage and toilet duties)
- made what seems like meal after meal after meal
- hosted a one-year old's birthday party

And now I am babysitting my girlfriends little girl (isn't babysitting supposed to be the PAID position of a 12-year old girl?).

As you can see I am relatively certain that after this posting everyone will abandon me. Stick with me folks, eventually I will have to do some sort of farm work again. Or I'll trip and fall and hurt myself, that's always good for a story or two.