Monday, July 31, 2006

My Zoo Adventure

So we made an improptu zoo trip on Sunday. And while standing and watching some wild dogs fight it out over some slabs of meat (which was good entertainment) I had quite a little adventure. All of a sudden out of NO WHERE I felt a thunk on my head. Then I look at my arm and sliding down my arm and landing dead on my shoe was a little bird.

Now perhaps you don't understand why this is such an awful thing to have happen...

I hate birds. I fear them more than almost anything. I am 100% crazily afraid of birds. And then my Dad made me watch that that Alfred Hitchcock movie, "The Birds" with him and it confirmed my worst fears...they really and truly are out to get me. I have now known for awhile (since the movie) that they are organzing themselves, laying low, waiting for the time when I am totally unexpectant of an ambush. And I feel as though the 'Thud, slide, plop' of the little bird was their warning not to get to comfortable around them. They actually sacrificed one of their own so that I would have confirmation of the plans they have for me. They're coming...


flibirdijibit said...

Yes, we have already discussed this at leangth but still.... suicide bombers? They go too far me thinks.....

Ariana said...

Kamikaze sparrow! Did he have a little helmet and everything?

Carlene said...

I too watched Birds with my tormenting big brother when I was young. He managed to extend the fear factor for many weeks by grabbing me and screaming every time more than one bird landed near us. I also had to sprint past the tall eucalypt on the way to school where magpies nested and swooped me each spring (often leaving my head bleeding). The thing is, I have reached a grown up understanding of how harmless most birds are. Especially a poor little dead bird. Can you find no compassion for the little mite?!?!

Oh Joy said...

No Carlene, I find no compassion for him. And the fact that you had a bleeding head proves that they ARE NOT HARMLESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In fact, you have further proved my point.

Carlene said...

Maybe a little immersion therapy would be in line. Heh heh (insert evil laugh here)
Anyone know of an overcrowded avery we could use? Perhaps a pigeon breeder, or a turkey farm.... Sorry Glenna, if it is a real phobia though you really should take back control of your life. And to think most people see me as a caring counsellor.