Thursday, February 01, 2007

My New Baby.

Well this morning my husband brought me a little present. And he was frozen solid. Currently he is in my porch, on my heating pad, under my blankets, surrounded by my towels trying hard to live. (Did you get that he is in my HOUSE, he is on MY heating pad, using up MY towels).

Oh and now he's using my blow-dryer to dry off a little.


flibirdijibit said...

Please tell Olive this:

MOooooo, moo mooo MOO moo moo!

Love Auntie

Oh Joy said...

Yes. Well it seems that the new baby thing in the house was short-loved (literally). She went out to her real Mommy and promptly died there.

flibirdijibit said...

wow, that was a very short lived life. Bye Olive, thanx for all the good times...

Crystal said...

Well, the life of farming I guess. Don't tell my kids or we'll be up crying all night yet again. The woes of understanding death.

I am sorry about your heating pad and towels.

Oh Joy said...

When hearing that Olive was no longer "with us" my beautiful daughter said "where did she go?". To which her father replied "well she died" fully expecting to comfort her...HER retort was "oh well".

Oh Joy said...

I bleached the snot out of the heating pad (as well as the surrounding floor, you may notice that Olive spread her calfy-substances all over it). Anyway, the heating pad never actually touched the calf, it was between two towels. Plus it was all plastic so it took to bleach rather well. The blanket went to the barn for further use and the towels needed to be discarded so no harm done.

Oh Joy said...

Correction: David bleached the floors.

Crystal said...

Is that what I need to do to get new towels?

Angela Oliver said...

seems like a lotta of work for towels... I'm sure there's gotta be an easier way.

calfy died - that's sad...and you called him Olive? poor little gaffer

Oh Joy said...

Well it's the only thing that has worked for ME to get new towels. And I'll do it again.

Yes, we did name him Olive after an odd conversation between me and Jammer the day before. The conversation resulted in me getting a job as either someone who names babies when they come into orphanages in another land OR someone who names nail polish colors.

Mark said...

What a said story.

You'll be happy to know however that I am now the proud owner of SHARPIES. anf you were right they are great. right up there with sticky notes. and when they both combine it is simply amazing.

Oh Joy said...

Mark, that's beautiful. Just beautiful.

And yes, poor little Olive. Dead before her time.

Oh Joy said...

I keep forgetting. Olive was a boy.