Well I am really turning into a farmgurl! This week we went to my Mom and Dad's to help finish harvest. My sister was there with her little family also. Which is all fun.
So Glo (aka Gloria, also known as my sister) and I noticed an odd family phenomenon...No one, NO ONE I say, expects me to be out there doing farm work. It isn't even asked of me to drive a truck let alone a combine. But not so much for my big sister. Nope, she trucks, she combines.
Now why is that? Well the ONLY reason we could come up with is that I am obviously cuter than her. No one expects the cute one to get dirty and gross. No, the cute one stays inside and posts blogs. Poor, homely Glo, she has to get out there and work...hard. She was really dirty when she came in.
Thus our new nicknames...Butch, being ugly Glo and Kiki being my new cute name.
Well Butch just couldn't let it go. She forced me one day to put on my Gap jeans and Parasuco sweater (these are the closest 'farming' garments I could find) and come out with her in the combine. Which was all fine and good (I brought refreshments) expect we had to share a seat. And Butch took up way more than her allotted room. So I had to sit with this lever sticking STRAIGHT up my...well you know...and bounce around in the dusty combine.
Then dusk set in. And we realized Papa's combine has no heater. And Kiki did not bring her Gap jacket to keep warm with. And Kiki did not forsee this issue and shared her refreshments with the others...so at this time Kiki had been out there for 5 hours...and Kiki was not happy. And Kiki had to use the potty. And there are NO potties in the field.
Boy was Kiki happy when the night was over.
No one asked Kiki to go back out. After that Kiki was on babysitting and meal duties ONLY.
And really, I would soon like to post something WITHOUT farming being the root of the issue.
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Friday, October 21, 2005
Clifford & the Pumpkins

My Day...
So on Wednesday night David says to me "Mom & Dad will watch the kids, do you wanna go to the city with me tomorrow?". Quickly I said "sure", a day in the city is always fun right? Slowly, slowly it dawned on me. David is making pumpkin deliveries. Eight bins of pumpkins...
You can't fit 8 bins of pumpkins in the Jetta or the van. You can't even fit them in the 1/2-tonne truck. Nope. Eight bins of pumpkins gotta go in the back of the grain truck. Which means I have to ride in the front of the grain truck.
At this point I try to get out of it but David guilts me into going along. So in I climb, climb, climb. We bounce all the way to the city. (Note to those who do not know: a grain truck filled with eight bins of pumpkins can't go the speed limit.) I feel much like a hutterite.
What is a hutterite some of you might ask? Well they are a group of people who live on a colony and live and work communally. Often they are confused with the Amish b/c they wear similar clothing. You will often see the Hutterites headed into the city in their grain trucks or other farm vehicles (once I saw a man and two women in a combine driving around). One should also note that the Hutterites always have really nice, new equipment and vehicles.
So David and I are joking around that we are living like Hutterites...then we pull into the Burger King parking lot (we had to go there b/c David couldn't get the big grain truck and it's eight bins of pumpkins parked anywhere else), and we climb out. Only to see a group of Hutterites pointing and LAUGHING AT US!
I had some things to do in the city. And it was the unsaid policy that David would drop me off in some obscure place so that I wasn't actually SEEN getting out of the not-even-good-enough-for-the-Hutterite-grain-truck. There was a small glitch, however. The passenger door doesn't work (a little fact that remained unmentioned until I needed to get out the first time). So I had to unroll the window lean ALL THE WAY out to reach the handle and open the door and then jump out at each stop. It made it a little difficult to be inconspicuous.
Now really people, do I really seem like the kind of girl who should get in the grain truck and drive to the city???????? What do you think the odds are I will EVER, EVER, EVER do that again????????
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
And then it Begins
Okay so Angela I am about to prove how wrong you can be. You thought I would have an amusing blog. Nope. You fail to recognize how dull my life is. For instance the only thing I am doing today is watching Dr.Phil. That's boring. Not at all amusing. Sorry to disappoint.
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