My Day...
So on Wednesday night David says to me "Mom & Dad will watch the kids, do you wanna go to the city with me tomorrow?". Quickly I said "sure", a day in the city is always fun right? Slowly, slowly it dawned on me. David is making pumpkin deliveries. Eight bins of pumpkins...
You can't fit 8 bins of pumpkins in the Jetta or the van. You can't even fit them in the 1/2-tonne truck. Nope. Eight bins of pumpkins gotta go in the back of the grain truck. Which means I have to ride in the front of the grain truck.
At this point I try to get out of it but David guilts me into going along. So in I climb, climb, climb. We bounce all the way to the city. (Note to those who do not know: a grain truck filled with eight bins of pumpkins can't go the speed limit.) I feel much like a hutterite.
What is a hutterite some of you might ask? Well they are a group of people who live on a colony and live and work communally. Often they are confused with the Amish b/c they wear similar clothing. You will often see the Hutterites headed into the city in their grain trucks or other farm vehicles (once I saw a man and two women in a combine driving around). One should also note that the Hutterites always have really nice, new equipment and vehicles.
So David and I are joking around that we are living like Hutterites...then we pull into the Burger King parking lot (we had to go there b/c David couldn't get the big grain truck and it's eight bins of pumpkins parked anywhere else), and we climb out. Only to see a group of Hutterites pointing and LAUGHING AT US!
I had some things to do in the city. And it was the unsaid policy that David would drop me off in some obscure place so that I wasn't actually SEEN getting out of the not-even-good-enough-for-the-Hutterite-grain-truck. There was a small glitch, however. The passenger door doesn't work (a little fact that remained unmentioned until I needed to get out the first time). So I had to unroll the window lean ALL THE WAY out to reach the handle and open the door and then jump out at each stop. It made it a little difficult to be inconspicuous.
Now really people, do I really seem like the kind of girl who should get in the grain truck and drive to the city???????? What do you think the odds are I will EVER, EVER, EVER do that again????????
Hilirious Stuff. i could just see you bumping along in the truck....oh man, that's good stuff...See I knew you'd have lots of stuff for us folks!
I think you can even make money having a blog. Leigh was just telling me, that I think i've been invited to advertise some companies for $..hmmm...we shall see,
I can't post my blog right now,,,we don't have big enough internet access for me to publish post...grrr
man, Mark is taking the "moments" to the limit... can't believe it. I met a kangaroo today. I shall blog more on that later
Nice blog Glenna. Sounds like you had fun.
I'd put the odds of you ever doing that again at 100/1.
Say hi to the gang for me
You all just wait until I get home and do my next posting. Currently I am at my parents house HARVESTING...like really, in the combine (not driving) harvesting...dirty and chaffy and all...with my big sister. And I have found cranberry vodka.
you ??? Harvesting ???
oh, OKAY, get on that blog - i have to read about this myself.
how are the kidlets?
hello to the folks too
See, now that is an excellent story. It had me giggling, because I could just see you telling it so indignantly, as you are wont to do.
I posted, just to make you happy. Now, your turn.
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