A little known fact...If Barbie had my hip measurement she would have to be seven foot two and a half!! Also, if she were a real woman, she would have to crawl b/c her body could not physically support her frame. And she could not have both an trachea and an esophogus b/c there isn't enough room in her neck.
So what does this mean for me? B/C we know it somehow mean SOMETHING in regards to me...
Well OBVIOUS I am not 7 foot two and a half!!! I didn't make it to 6 feet (I tried so hard, even hung by my arms in the closet to try to stretch out the spinal cord, didn't work). Now my hair is no longer blonde. So OBVIOUSLY God is telling me to eat all the Christmas baking b/c I shall NEVER look like Barbie. Thank you. I shall now go and eat said baking.
Excellent use of logic. You make me proud.
You may not have Barbie's frame but at least you have a Barbie attitude.
I really don't know what that means but anyway, it's out there now.
Oh I think you know what you meant MARK! Some people find my "attitude" enduring. By the way your moment from "Mark's Moment" is getting really old now.
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