Work continues here on the range. We are so close to finished yet not quite there. So to push things along The Husband decided I should work the Brad nailer. Now this is not exactly a power-tool so don't get all excited thinking "Holy Cow who would give that girl a powertool". No this is an AIR TOOL. Which, I proved, when put into the wrong hands is equally dangerous.
Now it isn't entirely my fault. I did notice that the side of the nailer says to wear protective eyewear and to read the owners manual. So I did get my really great J-Lo shades which took awhile b/c they are a little passe and so not in the forefront of the pile. And in all the time it took me to find them I ran out of time to read the manual and got the David instructions which amounted to "put this here like that and then pull this trigger, go ahead and start I'm going to cut boards". Anywho, when he told me to "GENTLY and CAREFULLY" put the gun on the door frame he was trying to create and "ACCURATELY" pull the trigger I should have KNOWN something was dangerous. But how could I, did I read the instructions??? NO! So I tried, really I did but when I pulled the trigger and heard "OUCH" I knew something had gone wrong.
Yep, shot him in the finger. We spent the next few minutes trying to figure out if it was stuck IN his hands (b/c a family friend proved you could get those nails into you and not realize it right away). We even tried to use a magnet to do so. Finally I found the nail 20 feet away. So it didn't stick anyway. But the end result was that Brad & I shot David.
Awesome. Was the family friend by any chance my father? I'll never forget the email my mom sent me about that day. It said, simply, "your father shot himself with a nail gun."
Gee, don't make me worry or anything, Mother.
Yes, indeed it was your father. And by all accounts he wandered around for quite awhile without knowing they were in there. An amusing story, no?
unbelieveable....i can't believe you shot my brother while he was down - well actually i can...i don't think i will ever attempt to hold anything looking like that. it's scary!
i'm proud you tried.And in all honesty was it really your fault? how come david didn't MOVE his finger?
You can't be held responsible for HIS finger can you?
No No I can not. It is NOT my fault. Besides if I re-created the scenerio you would SEE it was his fault. So if too many accusations start to fly I am gonna do that..I am indeed gonna re-create it. Then you can see.
I cringe every time I shoot.
Yeah, I think it was later in the day or the next day that my mother made him go to the doctor. It took several x-rays, at least 2 GPs, a large syringe, and a plastic surgeon to remove the stupid thing.
Really? That's funny!!! I can't believe that he didn't know!!!!!
So then I was one step to far when shooting? Brad & I should have stuck to a steamy dance number in a movie?
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