So over the last weekend we picked our pumpkins (is that a huge sigh of relief I hear from you Mark? Does your back still hurt and you are oh so glad you weren't here to help?). Anyway, we picked our 3 acres of pumpkins. I shall post pictures of just how many pumpkins we actually have at a later date (that will be my "farm" posting for you Ross). I don't have the final pictures yet. But just to tide you over here are the oddities we found...
This is the yellow pumpkin!! 5 of these were found in the middle of the patch. Not sure how that happened. But I was so thrilled to see a YELLOW pumpkin. They now decorate my house.

And this folks, this is the buttocks pumpkin. Do I have to explain why it's the buttocks pumpkin? I think not.
that is def a pumpkin bum
Isn't it though???
So we missed some pumpkin mania this year? My kids are very sad about that. Thanks for the treasures - by the way.
And just for you note the name change.
I think I recognize that pumpkin butt!
You could have a "Name the Celebrity" contest with that.
Well we did call it the JLo for quite some time.
Now of course in the irrigation district of Mildura.... They do irrigate their pumkins there you know! Poor JLO pumpkin!!!!
Well. Now that you mention it, I have been going to the Chiropractor 2 times a week to fix my back. But I do think that my back problems are more to do with a really bad water skiing injury when I was 12.
I did really enjoy the pumkin picking. Despite my complaning the next day. Wish I could've been there.
By the way Pumkin Bum----Quality
Well you missed a MAJOR party this time around actually Mark! It was LOTS of fun!!! But your back would have hurt. It was 3 acres this year.
Yeah, but I bet that you didn't have to do it all in one night. Still would've liked to be there.
No you are right we spread it out over two days. But still, three acres is a LOT 'o pumpkin.
No sarcasim here, I too would have loved to have been there for the hard work and the fun, and yes, jlo butt would have been mildly interesting!!.Dianne E mailed some photo's already, [lift your blog game girl] you had a big team, well done on the 3 acres, I used to grow pumpkins, I wont say how many acres it will only create a Canada Aus War.
Oh Ross I so don't wanna win the 'who has more acres of pumpkins planted" war. 3 was by FAR enough!!!! But I hafta say that we did have a great crew and we really did have fun with them!!!
Also, she told me she emailed the pictures to you so I didn't go out and take more in the RAIN we have had (4 inches so far, more coming down, supposed SNOW tonight).
are you kidding me?
Leigh is super stoked for a white Christmas...
but this seems a bit early?!
Quit your whining, people. It snowed 2 days in a row here. It's only just now melting.
Mooning people what a BRILLIANT idea!! Simply BRILLIANT! Shall run it by the powers that be today.
CONGRATS to you guys on that new baby boy by the way! I checked him out on your blog and he is GORGEOUS! I wanna hold him 'kay?
It did what for 2 days in Calgary? It snowed in Sask? Apparently you have to live in the cold North part of the country because we have no - yes I repeat - no snow - not one flake - nada.
the most recent 'martha' magazine gave about 20 pages of crafts for pumpkins and the tools you'll need, etc. to really deck out your place for halloween.
i'll be sure to bring that over when i come for coffee so that you can get your hands on some more crafting ideas!!!
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