Monday, January 29, 2007

Oh where are my dots?

So I switched over to my new version of Blogger, which was a huge step for me. I hate change quite a bit. If it isn't broken, WHY fix it? But my Jammer insisted I'd be fine so I switched. Anyway, now my little map is gone and it had all these dots and I looked like I was popular and people were actually LOOKING at my blog. Which greatly increased my self-esteem.

Now the little map is gone. Someone (Ang &/or Leigh) please step up and re-pimp my blog. I need to see my dots again. I need the boost in self esteem.


Ross O said...

Will a comment do to boost your self esteem,we're here for ya.

flibirdijibit said...

Will someone please, please Pimp Up gZa'z blog? She needs her Dots.

I really do love the new title dots.

Oh Joy said...

Well I think Jammer that it's you and me pimpin' on the morrow over coffee.

Oh Joy said...

Oh and yes, a comment does boost my esteem. Really I take anything. I mean a "man you're great" would have been good too but I'll take a "we're here for ya".

I seriously think the entire Oliver family needs to come back for a visit.

Oh Joy said...

hey girlfriend - You're great!
so there's a boost for your self esteem and I brought you dots...I hope I make it in to your favourite books.
Love ya

Angela Oliver said...

he he he....
I changed your account for you, and then commented on your sight - as you! I was gonna erase it, but then I thought...funny - so I kept it.

Angela Oliver said...

man! that's a terrible mistake...

Oh Joy said...

That's reallyfunny. It looks like I am either crazy or just really into myself. (no need for anyone to comment on which one it might be).

THANKS FOR MY DOTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so happy. SO happy. I have dots. DOTS!

flibirdijibit said...

oooh nice pimpin! you should ad excel spread sheets to your popular things list!!! So should I really.

catherine said...

so, you made the switch, encouraged me to, and here it goes - i've really got nothing else to do tonight - i'm going to in hopes of putting pictures on my blog - good luck me... i'm liking yours glenna...

flibirdijibit said...

I just wanna say how great I think you are at being a Mom. You're the best. Way to go. Good job. Atta Girl!

I like how there are so many comments on this post that I actually have more than one profile photo here.....