Sunday, February 04, 2007


Congrats to my brother in law on getting hitched yesterday! Here he is with me and our sister in another New Year's photo:

I hear the wedding was lovely and we wish we could have been there.

And just so that I am not picking favorites here's me and my OTHER bro-in-law:

And though I do have an o-so-lovely picture of me & my oldest, nearest, dearest bro-in-la from New Years, I prefer this lovely picture of him and his REAL sister:


flibirdijibit said...

do you realise that last week I actually went to get x-rays taken of my wrist, hip and foot(the one I dropped the table on at another YellowRoses get together)! I might actually be broken....

Oh Joy said...

Which thing might be broken?

catherine said...

so good to hear that everything went fine with the wedding... after david's comments yesterday about when you don't hear from someone it means one of two things... either they are fine, or everyone has been killed...

thanks for the good news...

Oh Joy said...

I think he said annialated (spelling?). And in all honesty we haven't actually heard from them. So maybe?

Angela Oliver said...

who's been annihilated?
should i be worried?
Love love the pics!
Amazing - it took awhile but then you got yourself 3 brothers!
how cool is that?