Tuesday, January 31, 2006
& it goes on
11. Lost one of my yellow sapphire earings which my hubby gave to me for a wedding present. Which is worth a small sum of cash.
Monday, January 30, 2006
What else?
Here is my list of the things that went wrong this week...
1. My water distiller broke down. Which meant we had to haul water from the in-laws. Which was fine until...
2. My in-laws water distiller broke down.
3. My washing machine (which is only three years old) broke down. Apparantly they have transmissions that can blow up.
4. My computer started acting funny. Won't let me burn anything.
5. The sewer froze up. Wasn't digging a hole fun Leigh????
6. My children are sick. I've been up with #1 since 4 this morning.
I guess I should be thankful it is Monday and we are starting all over again?
1. My water distiller broke down. Which meant we had to haul water from the in-laws. Which was fine until...
2. My in-laws water distiller broke down.
3. My washing machine (which is only three years old) broke down. Apparantly they have transmissions that can blow up.
4. My computer started acting funny. Won't let me burn anything.
5. The sewer froze up. Wasn't digging a hole fun Leigh????
6. My children are sick. I've been up with #1 since 4 this morning.
I guess I should be thankful it is Monday and we are starting all over again?
Monday, January 23, 2006
To Vote or not to Vote
Well all it is indeed voting day. How many people exersized their right to put an "X" on the paper and shove it in a little box?
Let me tell you the issue I had...I had to vote in Kerrobert All fine I suppose except I am much, much closer to many other poling stations...whatever right? Right. But the other three adult residents of the farm all had to go to Kelfield (the closer station). WHY???? And there were people who live by my parents farm who were told to go to Dodsland to vote. Dodsland is 2 hours away. What the heck?????
Anyway, let the best man win?
Reesh, I got the point already. You can just bloody well give birth. You far surpassed my date. But I am still sticking with my BOY vote and making HIM 6 pounds 1 ounce. And if he is smaller I may have to fly out there just to hold such a little bundle!!!!!!! You are totally gonna need premie clothing. Ambros no. 1 was 6 pounds 8 ounces and had to have premie stuff. Though in all honesty she lost over a pound in the hospital. Anyway, hurry the heck up.
Let me tell you the issue I had...I had to vote in Kerrobert All fine I suppose except I am much, much closer to many other poling stations...whatever right? Right. But the other three adult residents of the farm all had to go to Kelfield (the closer station). WHY???? And there were people who live by my parents farm who were told to go to Dodsland to vote. Dodsland is 2 hours away. What the heck?????
Anyway, let the best man win?
Reesh, I got the point already. You can just bloody well give birth. You far surpassed my date. But I am still sticking with my BOY vote and making HIM 6 pounds 1 ounce. And if he is smaller I may have to fly out there just to hold such a little bundle!!!!!!! You are totally gonna need premie clothing. Ambros no. 1 was 6 pounds 8 ounces and had to have premie stuff. Though in all honesty she lost over a pound in the hospital. Anyway, hurry the heck up.
Thursday, January 12, 2006
There's Something About Biggar

I dunno what it is with us and Biggar but it is getting a little bizarre. We have come to start praying for normality at the 16 mile corner (thus named b/c it is 16 miles to Biggar) and don't stop until half-way between Biggar and the next town (Perdue, an amusingly-named town in itself. Perhaps someday when I run short of material I'll start in on Perdue's name). Here is a run-down on the oddities...
1. Girl driving right in front of us TOTALLY losses control of her car for NO reason and ditches it, jumps the highway, and ditches it again b/f she finally stops her car. Luckily she's okay but I thought for SURE I was about to scrape her off the ditch.Happens RIGHT outside of Biggar.
2. We see a UFO, guess where? RIGHT by Biggar.
3. Huge accident at our approach a few years back, where were the 4 kids from? Biggar.
4. We see a meteorite on the other side of Biggar.
5. Coming home from the city the other day a semi-truck tries to turn the 16 mile corner by Biggar and out of the blue his trailer catches the ditch and starts pulling him into the ditch. Good thing we start praying at Biggar b/c he was able to right his wrong.
Anyway, we are now wondering what is about Biggar.
P.S. The new sign in Springwater reads "Plastic Surgeons Offer: We'd like to pick your nose."
Thursday, January 05, 2006
Bermuda? I don't think so!!!

So there is the Bermuda Triangle, yes odd and all but how about THIS for spooky geometric configuration happenings?
In the last week there has been a rash of odd things go missing 'round here between me, my sister and my friend. FIRST Jammer (friend) could not find her white shirt. Okay, that's too bad...she liked that shirt. But THEN on Christmas morning G-Lo's (sister) knife just disappears...well that's weird, how do you loose a two foot knife? And TODAY we realized that one pair of earphones from our portable DVD player has just VANISHED.
Then when you view the chart of our residencies, what do you see but a TRIANGLE configuration!! (Insert spooky music here.)
Now we must CSI to solve this mystery...what do white shirts, large knives and earphones have in common???

When I was interning (oh so long ago) I had a special child in the classroom whose name I shall not mention. The obsurdity was that the child loved fire. Passionately loved fire. In fact we had to check him daily for matches. Seriously. Morning frisking. Once burnt down his own house he did. Odd I thought, that a (Kindergarten) child could love fire so much.
Now I have my fireplace. I can sit and STARE at the fire for HOURS. I get really happy when it's time to put another log on the fire. It fansinates me. I can even block out the sounds of the hammers and saws and various other bang-bang sounds. I just LOVE my fireplace.
So here is a picture of my fireplace. Now you can all sit and stare at it for hours with me. Though to be fair, it is blurry and I was too lazy to take another round of pictures. So maybe you only want to stare for like an hour or so and then take a break. (HOWEVER, if you are reading this and you live across the yard from me--there is no reason you shouldn't be over here RIGHT NOW enjoying it with me!!!!)
As an aside, we had our first visitor knock on the woodshed door today. Man did I laugh.
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