So there is the Bermuda Triangle, yes odd and all but how about THIS for spooky geometric configuration happenings?
In the last week there has been a rash of odd things go missing 'round here between me, my sister and my friend. FIRST Jammer (friend) could not find her white shirt. Okay, that's too bad...she liked that shirt. But THEN on Christmas morning G-Lo's (sister) knife just disappears...well that's weird, how do you loose a two foot knife? And TODAY we realized that one pair of earphones from our portable DVD player has just VANISHED.
Then when you view the chart of our residencies, what do you see but a TRIANGLE configuration!! (Insert spooky music here.)
Now we must CSI to solve this mystery...what do white shirts, large knives and earphones have in common???
Yes, the triangle....last year my black 'J' sock did some time in the triangle. It did come back however. Momba's 'S' sock was doing time in the triangle at the same time and I believe our socks returned to us around the same time. What are our beloved belongings DOING in there?!!!! Obviously it's a fit of rebellion. I am at Mom's now and she cannot find her CD she had custom made for all her old folks home concerts she and Wilf put on. Doobey, doobey, doooooooo!
Do you not SEE where your socks went? J and S...the initials of a certain male family friend of yours as a child...
Anyway, WHERE are the shirt, knife and headphones???
And furthermore why didn't I know you were going to Mom's????
You think Jason Schultz is responsible for all the missing belongings? Yes! Of course! 'tis all making sense now!
I also subscribe to the theory that these socks were getting together to make more socks but I can't imagine what my shirt, your headphones and Glorias knife are doing together.....makes me SICK!
It is disgusting isn't it? Dirty lot of crap. I don't wanna see what comes out of that union.
Yes Jason was DEFINATELY wearing your sock and your mom's sock. He must have been so pleased when the wear-your-initial thing was so hot and he knew a Sharon and Jaime!!!!
No seriously, you need to report to me. You must know that.
I always lose things... I didn't know I could blame it on a triangle..or on Jason for that matter..Is this true?
You can only blame it on a triangle if you lost them in a triangular order, get it? But for SURE you can always blame it on Jason. I am pretty sure he is the reason.
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