I dunno what it is with us and Biggar but it is getting a little bizarre. We have come to start praying for normality at the 16 mile corner (thus named b/c it is 16 miles to Biggar) and don't stop until half-way between Biggar and the next town (Perdue, an amusingly-named town in itself. Perhaps someday when I run short of material I'll start in on Perdue's name). Here is a run-down on the oddities...
1. Girl driving right in front of us TOTALLY losses control of her car for NO reason and ditches it, jumps the highway, and ditches it again b/f she finally stops her car. Luckily she's okay but I thought for SURE I was about to scrape her off the ditch.Happens RIGHT outside of Biggar.
2. We see a UFO, guess where? RIGHT by Biggar.
3. Huge accident at our approach a few years back, where were the 4 kids from? Biggar.
4. We see a meteorite on the other side of Biggar.
5. Coming home from the city the other day a semi-truck tries to turn the 16 mile corner by Biggar and out of the blue his trailer catches the ditch and starts pulling him into the ditch. Good thing we start praying at Biggar b/c he was able to right his wrong.
Anyway, we are now wondering what is about Biggar.
P.S. The new sign in Springwater reads "Plastic Surgeons Offer: We'd like to pick your nose."
Heh. Pick your nose. Heh.
Biggar is a weird town, man.
Remind me when I'm over there next year to steer clear of biggar.
Monday morning EARLY eh? You couldn't have allowed me to have at least one day off bedrest to run and feel human?
I remember stopping just before the said 16 mile turn to rescue a woman being beaten by her husband on the side of the road once when we were kids, and this year I was sort of harrassed by what I call 'highway bullies' on my way home from Biggar at that same corner......coincidence I think not! Sumpin' about Biggar....especially that corner. Doobey, doobey dooo..
Nope Reesh, no rest. that kid is coming out the second those feet start walking the floor. NO WAY you'll make it to the ultrasound. I say it comes on Sunday afternoon and then REALLY early Monday morning you meet your SON!!! I'll be praying.
Jammer, do you think "hairy trunks" was actually FROM Biggar?
Hairy Trunks was most definitely from Biggar...
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