Happy Canada Day to my Canadian readers! Which, apart from the Auzzie's (whom we are luring here one at a time) is pretty much everyone I think...
What do you like about living in Canada? Well I am pretty darn happy that we have food to eat and affordable housing to live in. I am pretty darn glad that we aren't under the oppression of Dictatorship. I love the diversity of Canada and how everyone (in theory anyway) is accepted and acceptable. I like the education system for the mostpart. I like the healthcare, also for the mostpart.
And on a slightly lighter note, we have Timmy Ho's....ahhh, do I love that coffee!!!!! Now if only I could convince them that we in Saskatchewan want some coffee sleeves.

Also, you'll all be happy to know they changed the Springwater sign--which means my blood pressure is down and I am sleeping peacefully at night. It now reads:
How many kidneys do you have?
4. One left, one right and two kid-knees.
Not funny really but at least it makes sense. It bugs me when that sign doesn't make sense. I know I should listen to the sound advice of Carlene and not worry about it but I just can't. It irritates me. If you are gonna make a riddle-board at least have it make some bloody sense. Is that asking so much????
Now I need coffee. Wish someone was around to drink it with me. If you are drinking coffee while reading this let me know. It's kinda the same. Okay, I just went and got the coffee while the picture was loading (dial up, sucks). I just made the BEST cup of coffee.