Happy Canada Day to my Canadian readers! Which, apart from the Auzzie's (whom we are luring here one at a time) is pretty much everyone I think...
What do you like about living in Canada? Well I am pretty darn happy that we have food to eat and affordable housing to live in. I am pretty darn glad that we aren't under the oppression of Dictatorship. I love the diversity of Canada and how everyone (in theory anyway) is accepted and acceptable. I like the education system for the mostpart. I like the healthcare, also for the mostpart.
And on a slightly lighter note, we have Timmy Ho's....ahhh, do I love that coffee!!!!! Now if only I could convince them that we in Saskatchewan want some coffee sleeves.

Also, you'll all be happy to know they changed the Springwater sign--which means my blood pressure is down and I am sleeping peacefully at night. It now reads:
How many kidneys do you have?
4. One left, one right and two kid-knees.
Not funny really but at least it makes sense. It bugs me when that sign doesn't make sense. I know I should listen to the sound advice of Carlene and not worry about it but I just can't. It irritates me. If you are gonna make a riddle-board at least have it make some bloody sense. Is that asking so much????
Now I need coffee. Wish someone was around to drink it with me. If you are drinking coffee while reading this let me know. It's kinda the same. Okay, I just went and got the coffee while the picture was loading (dial up, sucks). I just made the BEST cup of coffee.
Well, here I am drinking my coffee. Its not Tim Hortons but I'm desperate and it will do. I know that is part of the evil plan to get us Aussies over there. We can buy Starbucks here but let us have Canadian coffee.. oh no! We have to fly half way round the world for that!
There was an add in the paper today for a franchise for Hudsons Coffee for Ballarat. Maybe we could lure a certain Canadian and her Aussie husband back here if we gave her a coffee shop??! Are you worried now?
Happy Canada Day!!!
I like that our GST is 6% now.
Your cow post made my day.
Also, I completely understand the Springwater aggravation. When you drive past that freaking sign as much as you do, it's got to drive you mental. (Seriously. River? Pounds? What?)
Hey, um, I BLOGGED.
i don't have a coffee in my hand...which should tell you exactly HOW I'm doing.
But it is night, and I should head to bed soon. anyways...i would love to start up a tim hortons in australia...it would def fly - they have the love enough for it.
I don't drink coffee, but I drink tea like it's going out of style. In fact i have an entire cupboard filled to the brim with tea. Right now I am drinking some lovely green jasmine and thinking about you. I am thinking about the lovely gifts you sent Lily and how i really need to get my ass in gear and send you a thank you card. I mean lily is 5 months already!! Where the hell does the time go? Anyways, she really likes chewing on the star rattle that Ella gave her, so you can tell her she picked a great gift.
I think it really sucks that we don't get to see Miss Lilian more!!! And it's fine to drink tea too I suppose. At least it's a hot beverage. I also have a cupboard full of tea. Which is odd b/c I don't really drink tea ever.
Oh and please, don't worry about the thank you card. You have said thank you like 50 times now and that's good enough for me. Put the 51 cents into Lily's piggy bank.
YOu have to teach me how to make coffee because I am always disappointed with mine. I get so excited when I am making it and then the first sip is such a failure, but I drink back the whole french press of it anyways.
Jon and I have been saying for months now how Tim's has got to get sleeves and new lids (like Starbucks and Co-op gas stations have) What can we do about this? I'm sick of not wanting to hold my coffee because it is too hot and haveing to deal with that stupid flip up lip!!!
Okay that's enough from me.
I miss Tim Hortons.
It's extreamly hard to find good coffee in Swan Hill!!!
glenna...is it STILL canada day in sask?
good thing, cause now your b'day present is only a month late, not 2
Well Mark I'd send you a can of the stuff but that'd cost a lot of money. So instead I'll just talk about it and you'll have to remember the sweet aroma and taste. Ahhh, Timmy Ho's...
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