Okay, needin' a little help with the ole Springwater sign again...here is today's posted joke...I do not get it AT ALL!!! (As an aside, according to the 2001 census, Springwater had a population of 20 people. Also, in 1931 it was hit by a very large meteorite. But I digress and back to the riddle...)
Why did the river go on a diet?
It gained a few pounds.
Now stay tuned Ross, I have a totally farm-related posting coming your way. Just gotta go out and take a picture to put with it! See I go that extra mile to keep my readers loyal. I don't, let's say, put a post up and leave it for like 6 months while people check and re-check and re-check to see if a new moment has been created...some people do that you know. Not me. I listen to my readers and I blog accordingly. So check back on the morrow (or the next day) and I will have a Saskatchewan-farm-centred posting just for you!!!!! Really don't leave me, it's not always bra-shopping stories around here...or at least it doesn't hafta be!
Is there... a fish called a pound or a pounder or something? I'm a little goggled by this one as well.
I was thinking maybe it is something to do with waves pounding the shore. But then that's rather the ocean and not so much a river...it's an odd one.
I was totally thinking of flounder. I am awesome and smrt.
This is just their way of getting us to discuss 'Spring Water'. What is it....Even bad publicity is good?
Ahhh, those sneaky little...
Mmmmmm, how to confuse the female mind with a little riddle, looking forward to the farm story, with a build up like that, the pressure is on girl, this had better be good.
Oh it's gonna be good. I just have to wait a couple days now b/c the scheduled event was postponed. But you just wait...YOU JUST WAIT! There will be pictures and commentary and it will ALLLLLL be farm related. Not a bit of girlie-girl in the mix!!!! Just for you.
Oops! Somehow managed to comment on the riddle on the wrong post! Well, to be enlightened you will have to look 2 down. Sorry!
I would like to know the person of whom you are referring to in your post Glenna.
It is a bit hard to update a blog without a computer.
Thanks for staying loyal and checking my blog.
Can't wait for the big event.
I plead innocent Marky Mark. I have no idea what you are talking about...I think you might be a little ego-centric thinking it's all about you. I mean really, who thinks it's about them ALL THE TIME? That's just sad.
Well what else have you got to talk about. Haven't seen this farm post yet
The farm posting is coming later today. Right now I am at my Mom's being mothered to the highest degree. I had to take pictures, PICTURES Mark. But it is coming. Today. Can't believe you are so interested in a farm posting. Perhaps you don't know it's not really about you?
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