Last week in between goings on at the paddling pool and both cabins. A new term was introduced to us by Mr. G-Za:
"Titer Levels"
It was on a half ripped up brochure he was looking at and needless to say the term intrigued us and amused us greatly! We have had such great fun searching for the meaning of the term by casually throwing it into bits of conversation that I think we should all partake in a friendly game of Balderdash. So tell me, what does 'titer levels' mean to you? After all the fun and frivolity I will dutifully reveal the true meaning of the term! Or not. As I am sure it won't be nearly as fun.
WOW! This is SUCH an honor to have my (our) Balderdash game in two places at once! Well to start the game I'll take a crack at Titer Levels....
Titer Levels (pron.Ti-tt-er Le-vels):Relative position or rank on a scale for size of implants required for reality T.V. shows. For instance, Fear Factor requires a minimum titer level of 7 to be a contestant on the show.
I'd put in MY definition but I think I'll post it on YOUR blog.
I presume that the above definition is correct... or do you want us to come up with something more bizzare????
No. We actually never really figured out what the actual definition was to my knowledge. It had something to do with livestock &/or farming as the ripped page was from a farm-related magazine.
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