But did I clean it? Well I did where I could easily access it. I meant to pull the whole thing apart, really I did. And once I even invited my mom out just so that she would receive the blessing of cleaning my fridge for me, you know servanthood, isn't that supposed to make you feel good about yourself? But she didn't do it, I guess no blessings upon her.

So my sister came for a sleep over and I commented on my gross fridge and that I needed to clean it. Which I often comment on to people, but really, I was still waiting for my mom to come clean it. Anywho, my sister came over and agreed it had gotten a little out of hand. And bless her heart--SHE CLEANED MY FRIDGE!!! And it was not pleasant. But she bleached and scrubbed and got out all the necessary equipment one needs (toothbrushes, Mr.Clean Erasers, knives, several clothes, paper towel, scrub-brushes, even a tool or two) and she got that fridge looking spanky clean. So thanks Sister! I will try hard not to let it get that gross again (of course you know that's just lip-service, you may as well just continue to do it yourself. OR you could ask mom to make sure it stays clean and thus get her that blessing she missed out on).
Anyway, thanks!!!
Is that picture what it looks like clean?
Oh lookie see who has an opinion...I thought you were ignoring me...
Ah, okay, well done. I was going to say, if that's your version of "dirty," we have to have a talk. You have a lot of food.
Actually the fridge was deemed low and it was voted that I need to get groceries.
I was delighted to see your fridge entry, as I too have been avoiding the evil "fridge clean". Not only do you have to take all your stuff out and put it back in, but you have to make sure that it doesn't go bad - it seems like a lot of work, cause it is!!!
It's kind of weird how I was in the same boat as you, except it was some strawberry syrup thing instead of olive juice (or whatever it was) that spilled in there. Again, I matched your process - cleaning what was accessible, what I could reach... my mom would be sad.
Now if only I could get that sister here to clean it out!
I tell ya, there is no more lethal combination than a GloTox with CloRox....love a clean fridge. Guess I'll have to come to your house for that?
Well technically is GloTox not thy sister also?
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