See I'm crafting. I craft.
For those of you not in the know but kinda care a bit or maybe just want to be part of the joke...I--and my trusty side-kick in the photo--hate crafts. Hate 'em. Hate glue. Hate construction paper. Hate sequins. Hate all things craft.
Still, there we are crafting away.
I was just thinking today while the pictures were being taken....'boy I hope I don't look like I did in my anniversary photos'. Luckily this is (marginally) better. Hey! We hate crafts but we're doin' it anyway aren't we? I mean you REALLY are. mostly I am just sidekickin' it, but you, YOU are rockin' 'em crafts!
I'm crafty. I have 6 pairs of Fiskar wavy scissors.
No really there isn't much risk. I hate crafts. HATE them. Don't like doing them. Not much into what they produce. Once tried to cross-stitch and after about 15 minutes I threw it out. Not sure why I have the scissors. Can't imagine I actually bought them for myself. I'll never, ever run the risk of addiction to crafting. But I do like to sit and watch TV.
Watching TV is a craft. It takes a lot of hard work, intellect & various other skills to intake info, process it, edit it for errors &/or continuity problems, analyze commercials, etc.
Nay, it's not a craft, it's ART. Big distinction.
We are so artistic!!!! Good for us.
I know! Now if we could only get paid for it....
1. Where ARE you in that picture?
2. Is that small person S.L.? She sure is looking like her mommy.
1. We are the United Church in Plenty.
2. Yes, that be Jammer's beebee.
Tee hee! I though you were asking where GZa was in the picture and it made me laugh out loud! But now I see you meant what town were we in! S-M-R-T...that be me!
Really? You see a little Jammer in the S.L.? The narcissist in me likes that comment.
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