Why does everything bad happen to your FAVORITE thing? Like my yellow mug. There are four colors in the set, I like to give them out depending on the color of clothing the drinker is wearing (but that's just useless info). I usually use the yellow mug (b/c I am sure to color-coordinate with yellow). One afternoon I found myself with enough company to utilize all four of the colors (which doesn't often happen, usually I am drinking-with-three-girlz, but this day we had friend!). Anywho, after running the dish washer I am putting the mugs away and GUESS which one I drop and break??!! Of COURSE it was the yellow one. Not the pink, not the green, not the blue. The YELLOW ONE! WHY do these things happen?
And I can't get another mug like this either, by the way, b/c they don't HAVE them anymore.
I want my yellow mug back. R.I.P
I know what you mean. I had a set of four pottery mugs when we first got married and one by one they left for that great kiln in the sky. When I got down to one remaining mug I became very protective and placed it in the cabinet, where it has remained for about ten years! You have just remined me, that all though I now have other mugs I like, maybe I should be enjoying my favourite - but then... what if I break it too!
I hope that I was not responsible for any of those breakages Mother.
No... Not the cups. But the antique carnival glass cake plate on the other hand....!
I guess your Dad will be getting the blame for some of them, eh Mark. Hey Glenna, do you like the way the O family use your blog to keep in touch with each other.
I love it Ross!!!! It makes me laugh. Keep talking. Where is Leigh's comments? Surely he broke something?
But it won't be part of a matched set.
Get over it mother!!!
Glenna, buy a new matching set and, well, you'll be all set.
I don't think you realize how much I love the set I have MARK. Why don't you just come over here and break the rest of them like your mother's carnival glass??????
I don't BELIEVE this, I do not believe this! This is terrible. I go away for a week and this is what happens!??? How are we going to get it back? eBay? This happened to one in a set of 4 of my favorites too. It's the same mugs they have on Gilmore Girls and I can't find it to get it back! Very sad indeed.
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