1. I love the VapoRub. I dunno WHO invented it but THANK YOU!!! You know how on My Big Fat Greek Wedding that one guy loves Windex? Well that's me and the Vapo. Once the pharmacist called my attention to the fact they make cream now instead of salve, well I told him. And another time a pharmacist insisted that the generic brand was just as good when there was no actual Vicks on the shelf. Well that went horribly wrong. Next time I go to another pharmacy. It must be Vicks.

2. Now brace yourselves all those who knew me when...last year I was allllll about the Jergens Natural Glow--which is still an outstanding product. But THIS year I have found this. I lub it. Lub it I tells ya...

3. Wilma, this is where 'Wish' comes in, this is where I understand WHY you have to get yourself the killer shoes even if it might be a tad out of your budget. I love this sweater with an undying passion--I neeeeeeeeeed this sweater.
Yes the 'Svetter',you simply must have it....this whole post gets me wondering what my things are...oh yeah. Bleach. It's a sick love -hate relationship. I love to sanitize but hate to wreck my new favorite shirts.
Wish Magazine... it brings out the shopoholic in us all.
It's the Devil's work, I tells ya!
Um, if you get the sweater, I'll get the shoes.
I use the Jergens stuff... Aveeno is better, you say?
I hear ya on the Vicks.
It's the greatest thing ever!!!
Really Mark? B/C I don't know ANYONE else who has an actual LOVE for Vicks. I'm not kidding when I say I have it EVERYWHERE.
And what about the Aveeno and the sweater???
Sorry but I'm only with you on 1/3.
I can't get to sleep without my nightly dose of Vicks. It's goooood, I mean REALY good.
Oh I'm so pleased to find someone who loves Vicks as I do! But you gotta admit,that's a FAB-U-LOUS sweater!
I will admit that it's not a bad "Jumper" as we call it in Australia. But it wouldn't go with my eyes.
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