Then I was reminded of the time when I was much younger (you can take your guess as to my age from the picture) and shopping with my cousin. "Santa" sitting on his throne called us to come up and take a picture. Should have known he was creepy yelling at us but we thought 'fun' and went. So we sit down on his lap and he grabs the teddybear that is supposed to be a prop and says "we'll need to use this too" and places it on his crotchal area. Somehow we didn't run away, we stayed and let Santa's little elves take the picture first (b/c everyone wants a picture of Santa accousting you). Now you can see where Santa decided to put his hands for the photo-op. Yep. A little butt action, which turned out to be not enough b/c when we went to leave he decided that would be a good time to pat the butts of his new little friends as we walked away. Creepy Santa. CREEP-Y Santa.
So that's the story of me, my cousin and Santa from the mall.

Oh, that photo is a classic! Thank you so much for posting it.
hey - Santa has always been creepy
He's a strange man.
was that in midtown mall??? just wondering cuz the other day i had the boys in the mall - we saw santa with two teenage girls on his lap - and my hubby says - 'the boys aren't going to see santa this year'.... maybe the same santa??? still playing the game???
i also recieved 7 pictures this year of various children crying on santa's lap - one of them my own poor ethan... you would have hated it glenna!! you seemed happy though in that picture - or confused!?!?
I thought it was amusing actually. And yes, midtown mall. Send me the picture of Ethan. I love him no matter what he is doing.
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