How was everyone's Christmas?? What did you do? We had a good Christmas, busy and fun. The kids got spoiled rotten but that's the way it should be right?

And of course my sister in law is out which is always fun!! She has always been the BEST helper around here lately! I hate that I have to give her back to stoopid Vancouver soon.
But now Christmas is officially OVER. In fact I even took down my trees and put them away (apparently my tree wasn't really that great anyway right Mark?). My freezer and fridge are full of food and other festive "gear"--all ready for New Years. Does anyone have any great plans for New Years? We are mostly just going to sit around drinking drinks and eating food. But I get to do it with my girlz (all of them this year) so I think it'll be fun. Isn't it great to have a group of friend where sitting around looking at each other and talking stupid is considered a really good time?
come on glenna, get out the german board games... now that's a good time... those stockings look pretty crazy full, which leads me to think, why does santa play favorites??? not only is he creepy but he also is not very fair...
so, new years, you know i'm going to a wedding (who on earth gets married on new years anyways???... at least i have a party to go to)
My you were quick to get the trees down. I hope that you didn't take down the Kids Tree though. Just because it was better you couldn't have left it up longer?
New Years.
BBQ at a Friends place and then to Church to Pray in the New Year. Can't wait.
The kids tree came down first. Mostly b/c I was so jealous of it. And I wasn't exactly gentle in the take-down of it either. May have done some lasting damage. Maybe next year the kids will have no tree and they can blame it on you Mark b/c you insulted my GORGEOUS tree!
Hello from Jersey! We had a great Christmas with the whole Agnish clan and respective others. Andrew and Lily entertained us all and many pictures were taken. For New Years it looks to be pretty much the same idea, family and kid's and possibly some champagne.
Happy New Years to you all!!
I thought I was early getting the tree down - tomorrow. Good on you for doing it already. Helps make room for all the new toys and such. I think we all went a little overboard this year. Next year back on the budget! Yeah right!
Awe Glenna, thats not very nice.
Maybe you could just get the kids to decorate your tree for you?
Hell no.
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