So in no particular order, here are some of the new things in my world (not too exciting I'll warn you).
1. Got a new computer. Didn't go with the portable model. Went with the keep it on the desk but it has more capacity model. Maybe find myself a used portable model at some point? Ebay maybe? Anyway, I can take silly pictures of myself on it and I do. Like this one where I am doing all my favorite things: drinking coffee, talking on the phone and playing with my computer.

2. Put up my Christmas tree(s). Yep, plural. See there is MY tree, which looks pretty much the same every year and that's how I like it. Of course with a daughter in school I am bound to get those oh so precious handmade ornaments. Those don't go on my tree--ever. The hubby calls me the Tree Nazi but still, despite the ridicule, no handmade ornaments on my tree.

So I got this one for the kids to put their ornaments on. I think that's a decent compromise.

3. My daughter lost her first tooth.
4. My bro-in-law got engaged & has announced he and his Mexican bride will be living in none other than K-town!!
Seriously, I think that might be it. Let the comments begin--unless of course everyone gave up on me. Which I could understand.
There's nothing wrong with having more than one tree - we always do. It makes it easier to appease all my personalities.
Oh, and welcome back.
I like the little tree! Oh, how I miss the hand made ornaments. My daughter, Sarah decorated the tree this year and it looks great with the colour scheme she and Ange chose last year. But maybe one day we will have hand made ornaments again on my Nana's Tree!
Oh yeah, and WELCOME BACK!!!!!
I am seriously humbled that you ladies actually had the faith in me to check my blog still. Humbled.
I'm sure my crafty little daughter would make you an ornament if you wanted her to.
No, I did not give up on you, far too entertaining, luv the tree's, how's Dave, bit concerned for his health after that brutally honest comment.Missed you, dont stay away so long next time.
About time...
That tree looks beautiful Glenna. And the one that you have done isn't that bad either.
Great looking tree Glenna. And welcome back - not that I've been any better.
Got your christmas card - thanks! I wish I had the energy to do a Christmas card every year, but alas, I do not. I don't even have the energy to put up one tree let alone two - but of course we are going to New Jersey for Christmas so it makes little sense to even bother.
Anyways, welcome back!
loving the picture of you glenna... looks like a goodt time... couldn't be more happy or surprised to read a new blog... very exciting - i'd put up a new one if i knew how to put pictures on it...
Love the trees Glenna, you have all done a great job!!
Yeah, I got a Christmas card too! It totally made my day, so thanks. Also, there is only one 'n' in my name, duh.
Love the tree's Glenna, can't wait to see them in person!
Tomorrow Leigh!!!! TOMORROW!! Please don't come see them tonight.
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